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Colleagues Working Together


Glad you are here! We are Team Inglewood. Our talented entrepreneurs and business community are the biggest supporters of building the vibrancy of Calgary's oldest main street on 9th Avenue SE and the surrounding areas in Inglewood. They are part of the foundation of what makes Inglewood unique. They preserve and celebrate what is distinctive about a place and foster meaningful representation and inclusion within neighbourhood economies. From events to the beautification of the streets of Inglewood, the contributions of the business community and the residents' support develop these initiatives, building a sense of place. Their sustained success has ripple effects across our community and sparks aspirations. Our business community:

  • Supports arts and culture 

  • Supports social cohesion and builds a sense of belonging 

  • ​Supports environmental sustainability and regenerative best practices 

  • Supports a local economy 

  • Supports non-profit organizations and individuals 


Thank you for supporting the magic of Inglewood by investing in and keeping it local with our small businesses! Follow our journey on our socials!

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Inglewood Business Improvement Area

Inglewood: A historic community with the beginning of Calgary.

Business: A place of commerce and production.

Improvement: An action and process of making something better. 

Area: A space allocated for a specific purpose. ​


The Inglewood Business Improvement Area (BIA), is one of 15 associations in Calgary. The BIA is a collaborative effort, within a geographical zone defined through the City,  by businesses to promote, manage and maintain their collective well-being.


The Inglewood BIA’s mission is to bring vibrancy to the main street of 9th Avenue SE and surrounding business area. It also aims to raise awareness about Inglewood and build a sense of belonging.​


Inglewood’s BIA has a volunteer, elected Board of Directors (BoD). Board members are ratepayers or a designated representative of a ratepayer. Board members - as a collective-make budget decisions.​ The Inglewood BIA, is a non-profit organization and has one full-time staff (Executive Director) and one part-time staff (Administration). Staff follow direction from the board. Contractors and volunteers are additional support resources.​ All BIAs are financed through a BIA levy contributed by businesses, collected by the City of Calgary, and distributed to each of the BIAs to implement in supporting the mission and mandate. BIAs also have the ability to apply for grants to support initiatives.


Team Inglewood

We are a mighty team as it takes a village. Our team is our community. It is the business community, residents, non-profit organizations, volunteers, and many other stakeholders that makes Inglewood a place with belonging. It is the 'secret sauce' to Inglewood being authentic and real. We are all placemakers and changemakers in building our grass-roots neighbourhood with meaning, purpose, sustainability, and regeneration.


Inglewood BIA Board of Directors ​​

Matilda Van duyvendyk - Board Chair

Thomas Kaune - Treasurer 

Isaac Bignell - Secretary 

Josh Taylor - Director

Megan Szanik - Director 

Jessie Attrell - Director 

Thomas Barnicki - Director 

Marina Costello - Director 

Inglewood BIA Staff & Team

Kristen Shima - Executive Director

Karen Bray - Partnerships & Program Manager

Kimberly Parsons - Marketing Manager

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  • 150th Anniversary of Inglewood community

  • ​Journey towards Truth & Reconciliation Calls to Action with Indigenous-led engagement.

  • New website and re-brand launch

  • New InglewooDIY Festival in May

  • Executive Director - Rebecca O'Brien retires in July after 15 dedicated years 

  • ​Received over $140,000 in grants

  • New Haunted Historic Inglewood in October

  • Ramsay/Inglewood Underpass Mural

  • Lamp Post Wayfinding

  • Social Media channels increased by 70%

  • ​TBD

  • 600+ Volunteer Board Hours

  • New Car-Free Sundays events

  • Received $99,700 in grants

  • TBD

  • 40 Mackenzie style lamp posts installation

  • TBD

  • Best of Calgary: Shopping District Award

  • Best of Calgary: Best Neighbourhood

  • Received $29, 181 in grants

  • Gopher Park

  • TBD

  • Award for Urban Planning Best Neighbourhood 2014

Inglewood BIA was established in 1988.

©2025 Inglewood BIA

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